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Whois:South African company - ONE INTERNET MEDIA CC t/a HandyHire - CK2008/162526/23 - Tel: 021 917 1719

Join as Professional

Please go ahead and enter your business details below then submit the form.

Business Info

Service Categories

Business Contacts


Contacts / Notifications

Notifications from HandyHire will be sent to these details.

Address & Travel

Enter Address:


Upload a large image to be displayed above your profile. Minimum photo width: 1600px


Upload copies of certificates or qualifications that you might have in order to validate your expertise.
Eg. Police clearance certificate, Electrical certifications etc.
HandyHire will verify and display the corresponding logo next to your business.
OFFICE USE ONLY: Resource documents not accessible to public or clients.

User Details

You will use these details to login.

A good photo of yourself will increase your chance of landing new clients.